Saturday, December 3, 2011

Money Making: A Series of Side Quests

Before you leave Outset, you'll need some cash. Here's some options:

1- There's a path between your house and Orca's that leads to a house on the hill. Go up it and it leads you to a fat woman in a stable, kinda. Talk to her and she'll tell you she wants pigs. There are three pigs on this island, and she'll give you twenty rupees for each one.
First of all, there's a pale one on the path you just walked on.  Walk up to it, and be careful not to get too close. Hold down R and move forward. Crawl until you are close to it, then let go of R and quickly press A. You should now have the pig. If not, try again. Run with it, being careful not to hit anything, toss it in the pen and talk to the woman.

The second pig is further down the path, in the field by Orca's house. If you talk to the guy he'll tell you how to catch a pig, but you already know that. A little farther up is a completly black pig. Catch it the same way and bring it to the same woman, who will give you another red rupee.

The third and final one is across that center bridge, between the house and the wall of rock. Catch it and bring it to the woman for a grand total of sixty rupees.

2. This one is if you hadn't done the jumping challenge. If so, skip to #3, but if not go to the center bridge. There is a kid there who will ask you to jump on the rocks for the rupees on them. If you do, it's 15 rupees. No exactly a hard challenge.

3. This will require you to have 30 rupees beforehand, so use the previous steps to help you. Next to the dock there is an immobile ship. Swim up to it and enter.

There, Beetle will have several objects for you to buy. One is a pig-looking thing, which you need, so get it. The other thing you need is the pear one.

Once you have those, walk outside. Go to the start menu and select the Bait Bag. Open it and select the pear with X, Y, or Z. Exit the menu and hit whatever button you selected to it.

(If for some reason a bird won't take it, go to other places and try. At the very latest, go to the watchtowe to get the bird.)

One of the birds will fly up and eat the pear. But, you have control over it. (DON'T hit Start. That'll just cancel it.) There are several places to get rupees with the bird, which explains why I had you pay 30 rupees in the first place. The first, and maybe hardest to get, rupee location is at the top of the watchtower. You need to flap and a certain time to crest at the right moment.

The second is along the path you took to the top of the mountain. (On the wall next to it.) I mean, on top of the wall. This one is tricky too. You'll need to guide the bird because its beak will be shoved into the dirt, but it'll still fly.

Finally, there's a few blue and green rupees on rooftops on various houses on the island.

(The whole reason I made you do this was because you'll need the Bait Bag, the Hoi Pear and the Bait later on.)

4. (PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!!) This isn't necessary in any way right now. There is an orange rupee, a.k.a. 100 rupees, under Grandma's house. But, it's wasteful to get it because your wallet should max out somewhere in the second dungeon. Please, you'll need the money for later.

(While I'm on the topic of wallets, there are two upgrades. The first is after you get the third pearl (later) that maxes your wallet from 200 to 1000. The last one is right before the third dungeon, and that will max out your wallet from 1000 to 5000. Don't worry, I'll tell you how to get them when we get to that point.)

If you must get it, there is a hole under Grandma's porch you can crawl under. It'll lead to a cave that has the orange rupee in the chest.

When you got all the money you want, talk to Tetra and she'll ask you if you're sure you want to leave. If you're ready, say yes. Then a cutscene will play where the townsfolk will wave goodbye, and so will your Grandma from her porch.

Tetra will say something to you, then the cutscene is over and you're now on a pirate ship.


There, that's enough for one day. See ya next time.


-PV 636

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Part 2, Technically: Sword through Ship

Let's start this. :

We left off last time in Orca's house. He's the tall, thin old guy standing in the corner with the staff. He's Orca, swordsmaster extraordinaire. Go up and talk to him. He'll make you fight him for a sword (like usual).
Follow his instructions. Warning: When rushing up to him to use the B attack, be sure to let go of the gray control stick (GCS) before hitting B, 'cuz he'll yell at you for that and hit you. Pretty unfair if you ask me, but oh well.

Now that you have the sword, exit his house.
Go back to the path and cross the bridge again. If you haven't already done this, continue the path and go to the right once it separates. Run up it 'till you hit the treeline, then use your new-found sword skills to slash the trees apart.

Even though rupees should be found in grass, this one doesn't, so there's almost no point to cutting it. If you follow the path, to the left is the bridge across. The sign warns you about the broken wood in the middle of it. Run across into the dark doorway to the woods.

*Small cutscene*

Go to your right and hig the wall until you find the ramp. Leap into the clearing. There is a big tree trunk on the ground that has a red rupee in it. Run to the closest edge and crawl into it. When you're crawling in it the screen will show you a Creeper (Name later) that is standing guard to the cut trunk. Once you get the rupee, you could either use the stones to attack it (not advised- it takes forever), wait until he falls asleep then charge it, or just charge it.

Attack it any way you like. Once you're done, jump on the trunk to the platform. There is a huge rock, but that's for later. Walk up the trunk to the clearing. There, you'll get jumped by two of those things. Once you defeat them, Tetra will wake up and fall from the branch.
Tetra's loveable sidekick Gonzo wil show up, sounding worried for her. Eventually those two will run out of the forest, and your character will follow them.

*Sad cutscene*

Poor Aryll.

Anyway, a speaking cutscene shows up where the Rito helps you get passage on Tetra's ship.
She'll make you get a shield before you can board.

So, go inside Grandma's house and climb up the ladder. It's gone! So jump down and your character will turn to the room and a cutscene will play.

Once Grandma gives you the shield, sad music will play and she'll start crying.

Leave the house.


Before you talk to Tetra, though, read the next post I'll do. It's about making some money before you leave.


-PV 636

Sorry, I Just Can't

I realized there is no way I'm going to be able to do this walkthrough if I have to write the dialogue. So, from now on, I won't. Sorry to break my promise, but I really want to get this done. If I have to write the dialogue, I'll never work on it.

Expect a post later tonight.

(Besides, you can just read it on the screen anyway...)